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Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Experiment - Will it grow?



For Tots - 2 years - and Up!

Question to ask child:  What do you think will grow and sprout???

Length of time for experiment: 10 minutes to prepare; observe and water daily for 1 week
Scientific Method Steps (simplified!)
Prediction: Which of the 4 items do you think will grow?
Hypothesis: Have your child guess, or tell you, what they think will happen.
Conclusion: After doing experiment, observe the "plants" with your child daily to find out and record what happens.  Complete experiment observation to conclude findings after 1 week.

Materials Needed:

lima beans
blue berries
potato half (cut end)
** All materials listed above are optional for you to use depending on what you have at home handy.  Try to limit the experiment items to 2 that grow (i.e.  lima bean and potato half end) and 2 that wont grow (i.e.  blue berry and pretzels).

What to do:

1. Put all four items on plate, explain what they are to or child first.
2. Put soil in 3 cups.
3. Have child help add in each item per its own cup, pressing into soil just a little bit, but just enough to cover item so it is unseen under the soil.
4. For the potato half, fill cup half with water, put potato end cut-side down in water so the top half is sticking out of water.
5. Label all cups and draw picture for child to remember.
6. Have child water them each.
7. Put on porch outside, safe from wind and rain but where they can still get sunlight.
8. Go over them each with child again; naming them.
9. Ask child: What do you think will grow and sprout?
10. Tell child: We will check on them and water them every day for 1 full week.  Do just that and watch with your child to see what happens!
11. Remember:  Teach the Scientific Concept (Predict, Hypothesis, Conclude and Find) with your child early on!
12. Don't forget to teach what 3 things all plants need to grow:  Sun, Air, Water

**You can even make a visual drawing/graph with child to chart findings and the steps of the experiment and growth processes of each item.  Refer back to the chart each day as you observe  the "plants" (items planted) and have child record on their chart what they may see or not see happening with them each.


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